Our Story

From left to right: Stephanie, Jacqui, Sarah & Leslie

“Can we do this? Like really give this a shot?” I asked.

I was taking my lunch break with my mom. It had been a stressful day at a job I was good at, but was burning out on. My mom is the one who taught me to love yarn. And she was taught by her mother, and she by hers and so on. I learned to sew, cross stitch, embroider, and crochet from my mother. In college, I took classes on how to dye fabric. In graduate school, I created installations out of the limited fiber arts I knew to manipulate. But when I was stressed, I took to hook and yarn. I crochet all my friends scarves the winter before I graduated.

Over the years, our love for yarn inspired us to go out searching for the unique and special. My mom started weaving, and then taught me to weave. The cycle continued. So when we joked that we should open a yarn shop and fiber studio to share what we loved, we laughed. But I couldn’t get the idea out of my head, the more I thought about it, the more sense it made. With my background in art, and my mom’s in business, we would make a great team.

“Absolutely!” She answered.

We began planning and threw down an "opening date of Jan. 14th, 2017" as a place holder. We both vowed that if we felt inexperienced, unprepared, or burdened by our plans, we could just scrap them, and continue on our way. But, each step we made, it seemed like more doors opened. One year after we started planning, on January 14, 2017, we opened the doors to Firefly Fiber Arts Studio. 

Each day, we strive to not only bring you the sustainable yarns and crafting tools, but quality and lasting experiences. We thank each of you, for supporting our local shop and building such a wonderful, kind, creative, and fun community. 

— Sarah (daughter) & Leslie (mom)